Monday, September 30, 2013

我不是牛仔。 但,很忙。



加上我们都是敢敢死的小孩,爱拖功课,爱玩爱闹, 接近submission date都在赶赶赶,然后你我他都在催大家做功课。这时就别想出门,否着结果会是...内疚死。其实我最失败的还是time management! 

读万卷书不如行万里路。知识固然重要,但体验生活所得也非常可贵。双击进入存放照片的文件夹才发觉这短时间内,百忙中也走遍了多个地方,参与了多个外出,见过了多个脸孔.........啊 人生呐。粉充实滴!

巴厘岛 Bali, Indonesia. (02.06.2013 - 10.06.2013)
才开学第二星期就向课业暂别 ,就远行到以庙宇建筑,种种艺术和风景闻名于世的旅游圣地.........巴厘岛。我们没有逃课,因为拿正牌去旅行是我们的福利。谁叫这世上有architecture visitation这么赞的东西!

从城市, 到Ubud小镇,到Bratan湖,Kintamani火山,梯田,稻田,海边,参观了多间旅馆,参拜了多到数不清的古老庙宇...........

Completion of Architectural Visitation! :)


Visit ..::BALI, Indonesia::.. for more photos!

吉胆岛 Pulau Ketam 1D(18.06.2013)
这学期的老师对教学有一套自己的方式,所以继巴厘岛回来后的一星期,我们向吉胆岛说了声 Hello! 这里没有城市的繁忙车道,租了辆脚踏车就悠游自在的穿梭在吉胆岛的大街小巷。



吉胆岛 Pulau Ketam 2D1N(08.07.2013 - 09.07.2013)

记得出发的前一晚是不眠日,一拖再拖的功课总算跟上进度,至少对submission有了交代, 然后郊游去!



白云缠绕着蓝天的那个下午,我们在造船厂的街巷来回了无数次,看着水位缓缓提升,看着外出捕鱼的渔夫归来,看着他们超神的泊船技术,同时还有造船师傅的热情招待,啤酒汽水与美食,啊 还有我托朋友打包来的炒粿条。我说,那是简简单单的快乐

Royal Selangor (02.08.2013 )
还有很randomRoyal Selangor半日游!这种像是小学生一日游会去的地方,表面上与我们的科系看起来一点关系都没有,但重点是 “你能get到你就....神!”。HAHAHAHAH.   
其实,还不是为了逃课去........... HEHE!




Thursday, May 23, 2013



Photo credits to K.Onn.


Monday, May 13, 2013


“累” 何时开始成了我最爱用的形容词。
You know, 正能量!


在很多时候我想当个强者,享受着众人欣赏的目光再不断逼着自己向前跨步,总想挑战自己的极限 但 却有所畏惧。
心里总有着太多的 “但是”

......................... ,但是我没有时间。


像 摩摩 这样最好! :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Year2 Sem1 in Archi.

WOW! You know I finally have some free time as I am here now for blog.
Year2 Semester1 has finally ended! But not holiday yet because there is something called FINAL EXAM!
Anyway, I just finished my second paper yesterday, which is the....... Intro to Architecture Theory! :) 
so I really need some time for slack rest before I start to study for the next / coming subjects. 

Am I really this busy? Friends like to ask me this question whenever we chat or we meet.
(Not friends from the same university or course for sure, because we all have this problem or they can even be more busy than me!)
Hmmm, depends?
Basically we spend most of our time for project of architecture design because exploration & development of ideas & model making can take a long time, and also, assignments that most students hate.

Besides that, we also learnt & experienced something different in this semester! Hmmm, so lets see yea :)
You know right, university life is THE BEST forever! Hahahahahha.

1. I got my first safety boot & safety helmet!

Hahahahahahah! Okay, so we bought the safety boot and safety helmet for safety purpose during site visitation.
So what so special? Hahahahh nothing. Since photo already taken and uploaded, so just don't wanna waste it. Lalalalal.

2. Site visit! What I mean is CONSTRUCTION SITE :) oh my!

That was my first time walking inside a construction site! 
Not bad ma right, although weather was super hot, but experienced something different :)
Visited to 2 construction sites, first is located at Jalan Ampang, KL and second is located at Cyberjaya.


3. Use construction elevator!

 Haha this is so cool because not everyone can have the chance of using construction elevator! LOL.
but I don't think u all wanna try? Aha.

4. Video shooting!

See see see! This is finally something not related to AR course but this is for the assignment for Pendidikan Moral :)
So much fun we had during video shooting, and you know what, we chose Premarital Sex as our topic, and now let your imagination go wild.............. about whats in video :P HAHHA.

5. Every Tuesday is a tough day!

Class from 8am to almost 8pm every Tuesday!
This is something not-very-okay because we can't actually pay attention in class :') tough ehhh.

6. Learnt Autocad & Sketch Up!

Finally we learnt about Autocad & Sketchup! 
Gonna work harddddddd to master these skills :)

And you know, this is the reason why my eyes are getting smaller :')
Too focus at laptop screen and super small details in floor plan.

7. Badminton time!

Stress? Let's go for badminton!

8. Stepped into the empty land beside S block!

Hahahha. We did it just because we need to know the area & measurement for our design project.
Surprisingly we found that there is actually a septic tank. Aha :) 

9. The chair game!

Fun time in studio during free time. Haaaa! 
We did it!
But memang hard to hold your body after chair was being pulled away.
Laugh till no strength.

........ & etc.

 Everything will be OK!
But I'd prefer it to be great :D

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Year 2 Semester 1 Project 3, Traditional Trade Museum.

Finally the semester has come to an end.

Done my presentation and submitted all the works on 17 April!
This time, we're doing a traditional trade museum. Site is located at Jalan Petaling, Kuala Lumpur.
Hmm what else to say? HAHA. Let's have a look yea.

Site visitation on 13 March.
Each of us choose one shop lot for design for the chosen traditional art.

So what I choose is Shadow Puppetry,
and then we did some research about this art, develop concept & idea, think of what spaces we need in the building, natural lighting, ventilation........etc.

Duration : 4 weeks.

So these are what I did :)

Concept: Reborn.

Reception & Office, internal garden, gallery, design & production room, workshop, souvenir shop, toilet & store room are all included in the area of 33m x 7m.

Our models on site model!
Sir said that this is Jalan Disaster, HAHAHHA.

So this is how Jalan Petaling, Kuala Lumpur looks like if we were the architect! Hohohohoho scary.

Work hard work hard!
+u & +ve! 

You are the designer of your own destiny.